What is Zapata AI’s ticker symbol and on what exchange do its shares trade?
The common stock of Zapata Computing Holdings Inc. (“Zapata AI”) trades on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol ZPTA. Warrants to purchase Common Stock of Zapata AI trade on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol “ZPTAW”.
How can I invest in Zapata AI?
To purchase common stock in Zapata AI, please contact your brokerage firm.
When was Zapata AI founded?
Zapata AI was founded in 2017.
When did Zapata AI go public?
In September 2023, Zapata Computing, Inc. entered into a definitive business combination agreement with Andretti Acquisition Corp. (NYSE: WNNR), a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company. In March 2024, the business combination closed, following which Andretti Acquisition Corp. changed its name to Zapata Computing Holdings Inc. and became publicly listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker “ZPTA” on April 1.
Who is Zapata AI’s transfer agent?
Zapata AI’s transfer agent is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company and can be contacted by calling 1 800.509.5586 or by e-mailing cstmail@continentalstock.com.
Where can I find documents Zapata AI has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?
SEC filings can be accessed on the Investor Relations section of our website or directly from the SEC website: www.sec.gov.
Where is Zapata AI’s corporate headquarters?
Zapata AI is headquartered at 100 Federal Street, 20th floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.
Where is Zapata AI incorporated?
Zapata AI is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
Who is Zapata AI’s independent registered public accounting firm?
Zapata AI’s independent registered public accounting firm is Deloitte & Touche LLP.
When does Zapata AI’s fiscal year end?
Zapata AI’s fiscal year end is December 31.
How can I be added to Zapata AI’s e-mail distribution list?
Click here to sign up for e-mail alerts. You will be able to select which automatic updates you would like to receive.
Who can I contact with additional questions?
For additional investor related information, please reach out to investors@zapata.ai